Faycal Farhi, Ph.D

Associate Professor

Al Ain Campus




Experienced Associated  Professor with a demonstrated history of working in the academic sector internationally, beside his experience in the Field of media production industry and Journalism. Skilled Cameraman, highly profiled Producer, film maker, and TV presenter. With strong education professional with a Doctorate of Philosophy (Ph.D.) focused on Mass Communication from UQAM University  Canada.


post Doctoral, Mass Communication, UQAM, Canada,2015

Doctoral, Mass Communication, Algeria University, 2013.

MA, Mass Communication, Algeria University, 2006.

BA, Mass Communication, Algeria University, 1999.

AEC in productio cinematographic, Montreal, canada, 2015

Research Interests

  • Information and communication technologies
  • Mass communication in the Internet space
  • Campaigns and e-marketing via the Internet
  • Audiovisual production in the Internet space
  • Outlook studies in the Internet space
  • Technology, media issues and education in the Internet space

Selected Publications

    • Jeljeli, R., Farhi, F., B.L, Mohsen.M, Zamoum.K (2023). Role of Customer Satisfaction on the Relationship Between Digital Storytelling and Persuasive Communication. Information Sciences Letters.  [Q2, JCS: 1.8] (Accepted)
    • Farhi, F., Jeljeli, R., Zamoum.K, B.L, Ben Lagha.F (2023). Metaverse Technology in Public Relations Practices: A Case Study of IT Products Retailers in the UAE. Emerging Science Journal, 7(03). [Q1-JCS: 5.2] (Accepted)
    • Farhi,F,Jeljeli,R, Zahra.A, Saidani.S, Feguiri.L, Factors behind Virtual Assistance Usage among iPhone Users: Theory of Reasoned Action, International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM), Kassel University Press, Germany, 17(02),2023,https://doi.org/10.3991/ijim.v17i02.36021, Scopus Q2.
    • Farhi, F., Jeljeli, R., & H,M. (2022). How Do Students Perceive Artificial Intelligence in YouTube Educational Videos Selection? A Case Study of Al Ain City. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (IJET) , 17(22). https://doi.org/10.3991/ijet.v17i22.33447 . [Q1-JCS: 3.8].
    • Farhi,F , Jeljeli, R, K.Zamoum ,L. Boudhane, Ben Lagha.F, Metaverse Technology in Public Relations Practices: A Case Study of IT Products Retailers in the UAE, Emerging Science Journal, Ital Publication, Italy, 7(3),2023, Scopus Q2.
    • Jeljeli, R., Farhi, F., & H, M. (2022). The Mediating Role of Gender in Online Shopping Acceptance: From the WOM Perspective. Heliyon, 8 (10).  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2022.e11065. [Q1-JCS:4]
    • Jeljeli, R., Farhi, F., Hamdi, M.E., The effect of consumer review on the perceived trustworthiness of online retailers: Item response theory perspective, International Journal of Data and Network Science,2022, https://doi.org/10.5267/j.ijdns.2022.6.001,Scopus Q2.
    • Jeljeli, R., Farhi, F., Setoutah, S., Laghouag, A.A, Microsoft teams’ acceptance for the e-learning purposes during Covid-19 outbreak: A case study of UAE, International Journal of Data and Network Science,2022, https://doi.org/10.5267/j.ijdns.2022.4.010,Scopus Q1.
    • Jeljeli, R., Farhi, F., H, M., & Saidani, S. (2022). The Impact of Technology on Audiovisual Production in the Social Media Space. Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 11(6), 48. https://doi.org/10.36941/ajis-2022-0148. [Q3- JCS: 0.8]
  • Riadh JELJELI, Samira SETOUTAH, Faycal FARHI, Citizen-Journalist Dilemma Between Media Freedom and ProfessionalismVol. 26 (2021): Extra 1 [Interlocuciones], Scopus Q2.
  • Faycal Farhi, Salami Saidani, Riadh Jeljeli, DETERMINANTS OF DEPENDENCE ON SOCIAL MEDIA FOR ACCESSING NEWS: A study on a-- sample of journalists in the newsroom, “Psychology and Education” , ISSN: 0033-3077, 15 th March 2021, Scopus Q4.

    - Faycal Farhi, Samira Satoutah, Mahmoud Mohamed Ahmed; Uses of smartphones communication applications in teaching media courses in light of the Corona pandemic ' A Field study on media professors at Arab universities, Ilkogretim Online - Elementary  Education Online, Year; Vol 20 (Issue 5): pp. 1071-1082, Scopus Q3.http://ilkogretim-online.org.

    - Abderrazak Ahmed Laghouag, Faycal Farhi, Faiz Bin Zafrah, Assessing the Maturity of Corporate Social Responsibility Practices: An--- applied study on Telecom Companies in KSA, TEM Journal, Vol.10, No.1, February 2021, ISSN:2217-8309, Scopus Q3.

    - Farhi Faycal and Mohamed Ahmed Mohamed, Pilgrim interaction with services provided by the general presidency of Alharamain .affairs, Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana,  AÑO: 25, n° EXTRA 2, 2020, pp. 387-396, Scopus Q2.

    - Farhi Faycal and Chetah Mouhamed, Social Media as News Sources for TV News Channels -A Study in the Newsrooms -, Talent.Development & Excellence, Vol.12, No.3s, 2020, 1536-1554, Scopus Q2.

  • Al-Maayar Magazine, College of Fundamentals of Religion, University of Islamic Sciences, Prince Abdelkader, Constantine, Algeria, research entitled "New Media and Terrorism: Propaganda Mechanisms and Elements of Polarization", Acceptance published on 01/30/2021, Volume 25, Issue 54, ISSN: 1112- 4377.
  • Amarabac International journal of Communication Science- UG Germany I association With American Arabic Academy of science and Technology, Texas-USA, "The future of audiovisual Is it going online?",Vol.1, Nr.2, July 2018.
  • Journal of Approaches: Humanities, Volume 36, Volume 18, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdallah University, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Sais Fes, Communication and Expression Laboratory, No. 153-2008; ISSN2028-2559
  • Revue arbac international journal of communication sciences, " Audiovisual in the internet: the future, strategies and stakes, issue vol.1, Nr 2, 01 July 2018, Germany.
  • Composite, La revue électronique des jeunes chercheuses et chercheurs en médias et communication, " l'islamophobie et le contacte médias citoyen", Nr 7, issn 1206-9256, 20 mai 2016, UQAM, CANADA.
  • A study published in Al-Resala Journal for Media Studies under the title: Building trends in the sciences of communication and communication: The theoretical and communicative structures of interpretation, a quarterly quarterly international magazine, issued by the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Al-Arabi University, Tepsa, Algeria.
  • A study published in the scientific magazine "Al-Wasila magazine for Science and Technology" entitled "Audiovisual in the Internet: Strategies and Bets", a quarterly quarterly magazine issued by the Secretariat of Scientific Affairs, Al Wasila College for Science and Technology, No. 3, 2018, ISSN 1858-859X
  • A study published in the scientific journal "Hikma", an independent periodical journal specialized in the field of serious scientific research and deep philosophical studies, published by Al-Hikma Foundation for Publishing and Distribution, Political Expression Spaces and Media Space in Algeria, No. 13, Fourth Year, 2012.
  • A study published in the Journal of Human and Social Sciences, University of Medea, under the title: Media and security crises in Algeria - critical reading, No. 17, 2014.
  • A study published in the Journal of Research and Scientific Studies, "Arab Crises and the Arab Media Crisis", a scientific journal issued by Yahya Faris University in Bamdiya, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 323-341, ISSN1112-78 / 2007.


  • Participation in conferences:
    • Jeljeli, R., Farhi, F, Zahra.A. (2022). How do AI and PR Facilitate Artificial Intelligence in Reputation Management? A Case Study of Banking Sector Customers in UAE. CFP in “The International Conference on Business and Technology (ICBT2022)”, 12-13 November, Istanbul, Turkey. (Best Paper Award)
    • Farhi.F, Jeljeli.R., Belarbi.A.(2022). Artificial Intelligence in Sustaining Internal Communication in Corporate Sector: The Mediation of Two-way Communication Perspective of PR. CFP in “23rd International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT 2022)”, 23-24 November, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
    • Jeljeli.R., Farhi.F, Pacha.S.(2022). EI Integrated PR for Online Communication in Customer Loyalty: The Mediating Role of Artificial Intelligence. CFP in “The 9th International Conference on Social Networks Analysis, Management and Security (SNAMS-2022)”, 29 November-01 December, Milan, Italy.
  • Participation in the International Conference: Media and Identity, Journalism and Expression Technologies, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, New Media and Identity: Local and Digital Biographies, 25-26 March, 2019, Fez, Morocco
  • Participating in the Third International Conference: Media and Crises, Foundations and Strategies, King Khalid University, Department of Media and Communication, a lecture entitled: New Media and its Role in Local Development Crises, 20-21 March 2019.
  • Participation in the International Conference: Représentation des femmes dans les médias en Afrique, La Chaire UNESCO en communication et technologies pour le développement, 25-26 September 2018, Faculty of Communication, Mass Communication Department, Montreal, Canada.
  • Participation in the International Conference: Media and Challenges of the Arab Gulf, Gulf University, Kingdom of Bahrain, on 30-31 October 2018, under the theme "New Media and Terrorism: Propaganda Mechanisms and Polarization Elements".
  • Participation in Seminar organized by the Department of Media and Communication Sciences, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, King Khalid University, entitled: New Directions in the Departments of Media and Communication, on 24 March 2018.
  • Participated in Seminar from the Department of Media and Communication, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, King Khalid University, entitled: Reading in a book by Professor Ali bin Shuwail Al-Qarni
  • Participating in the First Global Forum under the title: Media Education in a Changing World, Bets of Reality and Future Aspirations, with an intervention entitled: The Ethical Values ​​of Interactive Media Communities in the New Media Age - A Critical Approach, organized by the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, On 09 and 10 April 2018.
  • Participated in a scientific dialogue organized by the Institute of Cultural Dialogue (IDI) in Montreal, Canada, under the title "Muslim Youth in Canada and the Holy Scriptures" in 2016.
  • Participation in the scientific dialogue organized by the UNESCO - UQAM Research Center in cooperation with the Center for Research in Canada (ACME) entitled "Political Freedom and Personal Freedom in the Canadian Media" in 2016.
  • The First International Symposium: "Image Communication: Dimensions and Challenges", under the title "The Arab Self Image in the Western Media - Cultural Cultural Schizophrenia" on 09/10 May 2009 University of Medea - Jazayer.
  • The First National Forum "Globalization and Human Rights" organized by the Institute of Legal and Administrative Sciences, University of Medea 6-7-8 May 2008, under the theme "Globalization of Media and the Human Rights System".
  • The Second National Forum "Mechanisms of Protection of Public Money and Combating Corruption" organized by the Faculty of Law, University of Medea on 5-6 May 2009, under the title "The role of media in the fight against corruption.
  • The Second National Conference under the title "Human Resource Development in the Algerian Institution between the theoretical programs and the practical practices" held at the University of M'sila on 27/28 April 2009 with the intervention entitled "Information Technology, Communication and Human Resources Development in the Algerian Foundation".
  • A study day entitled "Journalism in the light of modern technologies organized on 25/01/2010 at the University of Medea under the title" The reality of the press under the virtual media space "
  •  A study day organized by the Institute of Arts and Languages at the University of Medea and the Association of Lights entitled "Freedom of expression and media practice in Algeria on 27/04/2008, under the title" Media practice in Algeria between professionalism and oppression. "
  • A study day on "The role of the media in the promotion and development of democracy in Algeria" with an intervention entitled "The role of the private press in supporting the practice of democracy" held on May 14, 2007, University of Medea.
  •  A study day on the occasion of the World Day for Freedom of Expression and Journalism organized by the University of Medea entitled "Media and crises foundations and strategies" on 03/04 May 2008.

Professional Experience

  • Associate Professor, AL AIN  University, AAU, 2019- To this day.
  • Associate Professor, King Khalid University, Saudi Arabia, 2017- 2019.
  • Professor of research at the University of Quebec in Montreal UQAM - Canada – 2015-  To this day.
  • Associate Professor at the university of Algiers, Science Information and Communication Department, 2013 - 2014
  • Assistant teacher at university of Algiers, Science  Information and Communication  Department ,2007 – 2013
  • University assistant trainee , 2006 -2007
  • Preparation and supervision of radio program "Zoom Montreal 213" on Sina radio in Canada , 2016.
  •  Radio animator, program"Maghreb FM  " in radio CINA, Montréal – Canada, 2016
  • Radio animator ,"  radio Québec plus"  Montréal – Canada-,2015
  • Télévision animator , «  ICI  TV » , Arab program, Montréal – Canada-, 2015
  • Correspondent  of Algerian TV " El Chorouk"  Montreal – Canada- ,2014
  • Télévision animator on algerian TV, El Chorouk chanel .Algeria, 2013
  • Investigative journalist on algerian TV, El Chorouk  chanel, Algeria, 2012
  • Editor- in- chief of « El Djazair » newspaper , 2005
  • Journalist in « El Maouaid » newspaper, 2001
  • Journalist in «  El Asr » newspaper,2000
  • Journalist in « El Maoukif El Toulabi » newspaper, 1995

Teaching Courses

  • The art of persuasion
  • Protocole and Etiquette
  • Media Production
  • Introduction to Advertising
  • Mass Communication Reserch


Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all.

This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):




  • Member of the Scientific Committee of the Conference "Media and Terrorism" organized by the University of Quebec, Montreal Canada UQAM Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences and in coordination with the Research Center UNESCO-UQAM on 6-7 October 2017.
  • International Conference: Représentation des femmes dans les médias en Afrique, La Chaire UNESCO en communication et technologies pour le développement, 25-26 September 2018, Faculty of Communication, Department of Mass Communication, Montreal, Canada.


The future of audiovisual Is it going online?

Published in: - Amarabac International journal of Communication Science- UG Germany I association With American Arabic Academy of science and Technology, Texas-USA

Jul 02, 2018

The present research examines the changes that have occurred within the audiovisual sector upon its gradual accommodation with the internet and cyberspaces, and the way it has been benefiting from the availability of technology in making significant changes, both in terms of form and content. The study will first provide a discussion over the conflicts between the traditional and electronic spaces; and how the audiovisual sector- by virtue of its precedence- is striving to reshape contents in order to align with both spaces. Secondly, the study will focus on the new strategies developed within the audiovisual sector to adhere to the specificities of the Internet. Thirdly, it will zoom-in on the challenges of this space, including advertising, which has become an entity of its own. Finally, the paper will single out e-marketing for videos and discuss related issues that have drawn the attention of the audiovisual production sector in the Internet space.