Al Ain University Celebrates Mother's Day under the slogan "My Mother, The Scent of Paradise"

The College of Communication and Media at Al Ain University (Abu Dhabi Campus) in cooperation with the Deanship of Student Affairs, organized a celebration on the occasion of Mother's Day, under the slogan "My Mother, The Scent of Paradise."

The event was attended by Prof. Amer Qasem (AAU Vice President), Vice Deans, a number of members of the academic and administrative staff and students, Captain Maryam Mohammad Al-Hammadi and her mother, Moza Ahmed Ibrahim Al-Hammadi, who had many participations in the fields of volunteering and several handicrafts and won many awards for her countless contributions.

Prof. Amer Qasem gave a speech in which he indicated that the mother is a great value and that celebrating Mother's Day is only a very simple way to express their value.


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